DENLUG (Denver LEGO Users GROUP) &

COWLUG (Colorado Wyoming LEGO Users Group)

DENLUG (Denver LEGO User Group) welcomes LEGO enthusiasts 18 years and older. Our main goals are to socialize around our shared hobby, to learn from each other, and to share our enthusiasm with the public. Our members cover all skill levels and all aspects of LEGO building from sets to original creations. Most hail from Denver, Colorado Springs, and parts of the Rocky Mountain Front Range in between.

CoWLUG, the Colorado & Wyoming LEGO® Users Group, was formed in 2006 from the group formerly known as CoLUG which was formed in 2002. It is an informal group of over 100 LEGO® enthusiasts who like to share their passion with other like-minded individuals from across Colorado and Wyoming. The group is open to people 16-years of age or older without obligation.

You can see more of these chapters’ work by visiting their websites: